Special menus
Salad menu
Monday to Friday from 13:30 to 16h.
- Ensalada variada con Heura, "pescado" o quinoa y alubias rojas (a elegir)
- Foccaccia
- Bedida
- Postre o café
Lasagna Menu
Monday to Friday from 13:30 to 16h.
- Lasagna
- Ensaladita
- Bedida
- Postre o café
Pizza menu
Monday to Friday from 13:30 to 16h.
- Pizza Margarita, Rúcula o Pesto (a elegir)
- Onion rings
- Bedida
- Postre o café
100% plant-based
Our menu
Enjoy the best Sicilian cuisine in the most respectful and healthy way: 100% vegan and plant-based